
Brand Identity / Visual Identity / Marketing Design

Welcome to my portfolio. My name is Grayson Beall and below you will find some of my top pieces spanning from employed work, studio work, as well as personal projects. I am currently seeking entry-level opportunities in Graphic Design or Brand Marketing.

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Meta Health Booth - Case Study

Meta Health Booth (MHB) is an all around medical product that allows its users to schedule virtual doctors appointments and utilize the necessary devices for a  baseline physical at an interactive kiosk. Through the use of the MHBracelet, patients can securely access their appointments and remotely share all medical data with their provider.

Meta Health Booth (MHB) aims to provide easy medical access to rural communities where healthcare and internet access is less accessible in order to ensure basic physical assessments and other needs are not passed over due to location or distance.

User Research

Survey Purpose

Understand people’s expectations of healthcare, their feelings about telehealth, and their attitudes towards aspects of our proposed product.

Survey Results

  • Respondents ages from 21-75

  • Majority of respondents lived in small towns or suburban areas

  • Users indicated that they liked telehealth for its convenience and disliked it due to its impersonal nature.

  • User stated that they believe MHB could help solve the pain points they have found with telehealth, primarily through the inclusion of medical device usage.

Survey take away

Rural residents typically have less access to common healthcare services, primarily due to distance

Rural communities typically see lower health literacy, which poses a barrier when seeking out healthcare

In order to offer appropriate care to rural communities, healthcare providers must also instill confidence and trust in their patients.

Creative Research


Research gathered information on what best allows users to feel comfortable within kiosk and how to make it appear most inviting

Incorporate privacy aspects through privacy glass on booth, as well as two-step authentication such as the MHBracelet

Incorporation of color and windows play crucial role in development of kiosk design, as these aspects better the experience of the patient within the kiosk during their appointment

Development Overview

User flow & preliminary empathy maps to determine necessary UI components

- LoFi wireframing (Figma)

- High Fidelity map of Kiosk and App Interface

- LoFi wireframing (Figma)

Prototyping and walkthrough of each interface